At this month's 10 Anniversary celebration, there was reveling. There was dancing. There was... a saxophone?
MFS Consulting Engineers & Surveyors did it big this month in celebration of 10 years of perseverance, passion and long hours with an event at the Bridgewater Marriott that included great food, live music, a funny photo booth, and a few words from the partners commemorating the revelation that went into making it all possible.
Principal Partner Jose Fuertes, who came from our Puerto Rico offices for the celebration along with his family and several members of the PR staff, spoke gratefully of support from his family and the other partners.
Partners Gonzalo Trenosky, Michael Mudalel, and Paul Shim added to those sentiments, Trenosky marveling, "Was it really 10 years ago that it was 2009 and we were sitting on the floor of a New York City apartment on the East Side, just talking about what would happen if we really did it?"
Also reminiscing of the early days before MFS, Mudalel, in disbelief that the time had gone by so quickly, declared "10 years ago, that was before I was a husband, before I was a father... before I decided to tell my wife that I was quitting my job to pursue this crazy idea. Really, it must have sounded crazy. Who decides to start a company during a recession?"
Toasting to the ultimate success of what started off as a big risk, Shim acknowledged, “I want to thank my partners, Jose, Mike, & Gonzalo, for their trust, hard work, dedication, energy, entrepreneurial spirit, and friendship and also want to especially thank their wives, Christina, Connie, and Kellen for your tremendous support and patience allowing them to build this company with me and work through those long nights, weekends, and out of town vacations. I promise one day we'll get to turn off the phones and laptops!”
“I am extremely proud of our staff here in NJ and PR, our office and field personnel, and our technical and administrative staff, without you MFS would not be what it is today.”
Cheers to 10 more years! And a big thank you to all of the MFS family and friends who helped to make it a special evening.