
Winning at Working From Home: A Solution for Every Challenge

MFS Engineers Moor 1 WFH

Working from home during the pandemic can be a challenge, but our determined staff has seen a lot of success in these past weeks. Between our families, roommates, pets and other mayhem, how are they getting it all done?

Managing Partner and Senior Associate Engineer heading the Geotechnical division, Michael Mudalel has been tirelessly running projects, helping to homeschool his children, and still finding time to take care of his other various responsibilities. So how has he kept his schedule from overwhelming him?

“My new quarantine lifestyle is really teaching me how to multi-task!”

Pictured here, Michael and his two new co-workers, helping him “work”.

In between projects, our staff shared photos of working from home with loved ones and pets. And, of course, they couldn’t resists showing off the MFS Engineers & Surveyors spirit.

The teams' takeaways seem to be prioritization, delegation, and when all else fails, get creative! While we are overcoming the issues set before us as best we can, we have also been sharing internally tips and tricks for working in quarantine.

Here’s a few links that we’ve found helpful to working from home, managing teams, and avoiding burnout.

31 Best work-from-home apps

How to Support Your Team While WFH

3 Tips to Avoid WFH Burnout

Thank you for reading. Stay safe at home and together we will come out on the other side of this disaster more prepared than ever before to conquer any challenge.