
Our Modern Relationship with Drones

November 8, 2023 --- We are delighted to share the incredible news that GEOD Corporation and MFS Engineers & Surveyors have been awarded the 2024 ACEC New York Silver Award in the category of Category D: Surveying and Mapping Technology...
We're thrilled to announce that MFS Engineers & Surveyors has been ranked #32 on NJ Biz's Best Places to Work in NJ list! This incredible recognition is a testament to the hard work, dedication, and unwavering teamwork of our amazing...
In the ever-changing field of civil engineering, there exists a treasure trove of lesser-known trends that, while they may not always grab headlines, are quietly shaping the industry’s future. Staying informed about these trends can help civil engineers and professionals...
Retrofitting refers to the process of strengthening and modifying existing buildings or infrastructure to improve their structural integrity, performance, and safety of its occupants. It involves the evaluation of the existing structure, identification of weaknesses or vulnerabilities, and implementing targeted...
CCTV pipe inspection, also known as Closed-Circuit Television pipe inspection, is a technique used to visually assess the condition and integrity of pipelines using specialized cameras and equipment. It involves inserting a CCTV camera into the pipeline to capture real-time...
Erosion and sedimentation are natural processes that occur in landscapes around the world. However, when they are accelerated by human activities such as construction projects, they can cause significant environmental damage. To mitigate these negative impacts, a Soil Erosion and...
In today’s fast-paced world, urban development and infrastructure expansion are becoming increasingly crucial. As cities grow and evolve, the need for efficient and sustainable methods of installing and maintaining utilities, such as pipelines, cables, and conduits has become paramount. This...
Monitoring wells are typically installed as part of environmental assessments or remediation projects. They are also used to monitor groundwater resources for drinking water supplies, irrigation, or industrial use. The installation of monitoring wells involves drilling a borehole into the...
3D printing technology has come a long way in recent years and has the potential to revolutionize many industries, including the field of civil engineering. The history of 3D printing, also known as additive manufacturing, dates back to the 1980s...
Civil engineering is a vast field that requires specialized knowledge and expertise to ensure successful completion of projects. When it comes to choosing a civil engineering firm for your project, you have many options to consider. One option that can...