Whenever you build upon a foundation, the ultimate question is whether it will provide a stable base for the structure, properly transferring the weight to the underlying soil or rock. Even on flat ground, this can be a tricky calculation...
Does your building have visible cracks or damage to the structure? Do you hear creaks or squeaking as members move throughout the facility? If so, these are signs that there could be underlying structural issues. But, even if you don’t...
Novel technologies have long been a disruptive force within the world of engineering. Historically, the profession has been eager to adopt any new tool, material, concept, or device that enabled them to create structures and systems that were previously impossible...
A structural engineer is tasked with determining whether an existing or planned building can support itself under different loads. They can perform inspections, provide guidance, or even design buildings and systems that are structurally sound. But how do you know...
One massive byproduct of cities and urbanization is solid waste output, ranging from household hazardous waste to industrial waste to construction and demolition debris. When waste management is neglected, it can clog city drains, negatively impact infrastructure, and threaten civilian...
In places where urbanization hasn’t occurred, stormwater—water from rain, melting snow, and ice—will soak into the soil to nourish plants, replenish underground aquifers, and fill streams and rivers. But, in developed metropolitan areas covered with impermeable surfaces like pavement and...
What Does a Topographic Survey Entail and Why Is It Important? Before you begin a construction or engineering project, you must fully understand the land’s topography. Depending on the specific parcel, there may be man-made and/or natural features that impact...
The New York City School Construction Authority (SCA) has awarded MFS Consulting Engineers & Surveyor, DPC a Design and Construction Services in Connection with Geotechnical Explorations and Special Inspections On-Call contract for field explorations, evaluate sites, perform analyses, interpret results...
The Importance of Ethics in Engineering Engineers have an ethical responsibility to the public, the profession, and the world at large. Engineers’ work shapes our urban environment and, in turn, the way people see, interact with, and operate the world...
Once again, the #MFSPicks photography challenge was in full force. This round’s winner was, Randy Jackson, Project Manager at Geod Corp., MFS’s affiliated survey & mapping company. We had some great photos to choose from, here are some of the...