Real Estate Development

1065 Park Avenue Spill Response

Manhattan, New York

Project Overview

MFS Consulting Engineers & Surveyors, DPC was contracted by Terraphase Engineering Inc. to provide initial spill response investigatory services at the property located at 1065 Park Avenue in the borough of the Manhattan, New York.

Manhattan, New York

Project Details

MFS assisted in the review and response to a suspected release of heating oil from a 10,000-gallon heating oil underground storage tank (UST) at the building.

MFS assisted with the investigation of the suspected release, management of interim remedial actions, and management of the UST closure process, including all interactions and reporting to NYSDEC. A One-Call ticket for each of the proposed borings was placed. The New York One-Call was responsible for marking out all public utilities in the vicinity of the borings. The client provided site plans accurately depicting the locations of all existing utilities in the area for the subsurface investigation. A private utility locate was performed using geophysical and electromagnetic techniques to identify the position and orientation of the UST, potential utilities, and/or subsurface structures at drilling locations prior to drilling.

MFS’ drilling team performed a subsurface investigation consisting of seven (7) test borings at the site. Six (6) borings were conducted around the existing underground storage tank one (1) at each end and two (2) along each side within the below grade parking area and one (1) boring was conducted in the downgradient portion of the below grade parking area. The driller advanced each of the borings to a depth of approximately 20 feet below existing site grade.

Upon completion of four (4) of the above-described borings within the below grade parking area, 2-inch observation wells were installed. Each monitoring well was constructed with up to 15 feet of 2-inch inner diameter Schedule 40 PVC well screen with 0.020-inch slotted screen and installed to be screened across the water-table interface. A sand filter pack was installed around the screen to approximately 1 foot above the top of the screen. The remaining space, with the well consisting of solid riser pipe was filled with cement/bentonite grout. Each monitoring well was installed with a protective flush-mount outer casing and a locking well cap and developed using a submersible pump until relatively sediment-free water was observed.. A product bail-down and recovery test was performed in each monitoring well with measurable free product to determine free product removal rates.


  • Owner:
    1065 Park Avenue Corporation

Services Provided

  • MFS provides professional geotechnical engineering services including geotechnical investigation and subsurface exploration, soil engineering services, and permeability testing.