
1900 South Avenue Platform Stabilization

Staten Island, New York

Project Overview

MFS Consulting Engineers & Surveyors, DPC (MFS) was contracted by DH Property Holdings to provide professional geotechnical engineering services in support of the 1900 South Avenue Platform Stabilization Project in the borough of Staten Island, New York. The site is located at the City Asphalt mixing plant, which has a street address of 1900 South Avenue. The design intent of the project was to demolish the existing high-level relief platform and construct a new steel pile supported platform structure in its place with a concrete deck. In addition, the existing low-level platform on site will potentially be reinforced with additional piles.

Staten Island, New York

Project Details

In support of the proposed development, MFS coordinated a field subsurface investigation with our boring subcontractor to conduct four (4) test borings within the footprint and in the vicinity of the existing high level, intermediate level, and low-level relieving platforms to depths ranging from 60.5 to 74 feet below grade.

The purpose of the test borings was to investigate the general subsurface conditions at the project site and to assist in the design of the proposed new pile foundations.

During the subsurface investigation, the MFS geotechnical team observed the subsurface conditions and generated test boring logs that included soil classifications in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System, and the New York City Building code, groundwater observations, action of equipment, and other noteworthy observations. The boring logs showed borehole and sample diameters and depths at which drilling or sampling methods or equipment change. Boring logs showed total depth of penetration, blow counts, groundwater level, and types of sampling. In addition rock core samples were obtained and classified in three (3) of the borings.

Upon completion of the subsurface investigation, laboratory testing was performed by an accredited testing laboratory to classify soils and obtain geotechnical physical characteristics for soils. Upon completion of the subsurface investigation and laboratory testing, MFS prepared a detailed Geotechnical Engineering Report with recommendation for the design and construction of the new high-level relieving platforms and associated pile foundations.


  • Owner:
    DH Property Holdings

Services Provided

  • MFS provides professional geotechnical engineering services including geotechnical investigation and subsurface exploration, soil engineering services, and permeability testing.