Energy & Utility

Atlantic City Electric - Newport Substation Expansion

Newport, New Jersey

Project Overview

MFS Consulting Engineers & Surveyors, DPC provided professional site/civil engineering services for the upgrades and expansion of the existing Atlantic City Electric (ACE) Substation in Newport, New Jersey. The project consisted of a three (3) phase construction approach, which included increasing the footprint of the substation yard, adding access roads that circle the new yard limits, adding control buildings, and providing additional utility infrastructure.

Newport, New Jersey

Project Details

MFS supported the project as it went through the design, approval, and construction of Phase One process with the City of Newport, New Jersey in Cumberland County.

MFS’ site/civil team prepared erosion and sediment (E&S) control plan and details utilizing accepted soil erosion measures and following the local soil conservation district notes and details. MFS submitted the E&S control plan to the local soil conservation district for review and approval. MFS completed the site plan showing all proposed improvements and upgrades for the project and drawings for the demolition plan and grade and stormwater management plan.

Additionally, MFS assisted with the land use permitting approvals with Land Use Department and local planning board, soil conservation district, Cumberland County, Downe Township, and the local fire marshal. MFS utilized the local Land Use ordinance to verify that proposed improvements adhere to the agencies’ guidelines. Permit coordination during the submittal, review, and resubmission process was provided.


  • Owner:
    Atlantic City Electric

Services Provided

  • Our land development civil engineers help the client to manage the permitting process at all levels. Our site development approach simplifies the numerous moving parts, combining our in-house expertise from start to completion, including conceptual planning, landfill design, & stormwater management.