
DASNY Medgar Evers College New ConEd Vault

Brooklyn, New York

Project Overview

MFS Consulting Engineers & Surveyor, DPC provided land surveying, site/civil and geotechnical engineering services for the DASNY – Medgar Evers College New ConEd Vault project in Brooklyn, New York. The project involved upgrading the electrical service at Medgar Evers College, which required ConEd to build an additional vault under the sidewalk adjacent to the existing building. To proceed with vault construction, a permit from the New York City Department of Transportation (NYCDOT) was necessary. MFS services were requited to prepare and submit the required documents to NYCDOT to obtain the necessary permits for the vault's construction.

Brooklyn, New York

Project Details

MFS’s site/civil team conducted a site visit to document the existing sidewalk. MFS prepared the Builder’s Pavement Plan (BPP), detailing the proposed restoration of the sidewalk, curbing, and infrastructure within the right-of-way (R.O.W.), in accordance with NYCDOT standards. The plans included approximately 150 linear feet of sidewalk and asphalt restoration, extending to the centerline of the R.O.W. As no new pedestrian ramps or curb cuts were required for the electrical vault installation, the BPP did not need to be reviewed by the Pedestrian Ramp Unit, and a curb cut application was not necessary.

MFS submitted the BPP to the NYCDOB for review and approval, and signed related permitting documents, including the BPP-5, authorizing the issuance of a construction permit.

In addition, MFS prepared and submitted the engineering package for the proposed vault to the NYCDOT for review and approval. MFS also completed the NYCDPR street tree application and coordinated with NYCDPR for approval of the work, including the potential planting of new trees. During a site visit, MFS documented the existing tree adjacent to the work area, ensuring its protection throughout the construction process.

MFS’ geotechnical team coordinated with our trusted drilling agency to drill up to two test borings at the project site in the vicinity of the proposed ConEd vault. The purpose of the test borings was to identify the general subsurface conditions at the project site to inform the project geotechnical and structural design components for the proposed vault. Each of the borings was completed to a depth of 20 to 30 feet below existing site grade. MFS obtained samples continuously in the upper 12 feet and at five-foot intervals thereafter during each boring.

Prior to mobilization, MFS placed a One-Call ticket for each of the proposed borings. The New York One-Call was responsible for marking out all public utilities in the vicinity of the borings.

MFS provided on-site, full-time oversight during the subsurface field investigation consisting of up to two test borings for the project. During the test boring operations, MFS observed the subsurface conditions and generate test boring logs to include soil classifications in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS) and New York City Building Code (NYCBC), groundwater observations, action of equipment, and other noteworthy observations. The boring logs showed borehole and sample diameters and depths at which drilling or sampling methods or equipment change. Logs showed total depth of penetration, blow counts, groundwater level (if encountered), and types of sampling. The drilling equipment make and model, drilling method, date and time drilled, casing, any heaving conditions, loss of circulation, voids, or any other conditions observed during drilling were also be noted on the logs.

Laboratory tests were performed to classify soils and obtain geotechnical physical characteristics for soils encountered on site. Upon completion of the field subsurface investigation and laboratory testing, MFS prepared a geotechnical data report. The geotechnical data report described the field methods used during the subsurface investigation, an as-drilled boring location plan, typed boring logs, and results of the laboratory testing conducted.


  • Owner:

Services Provided

  • MFS provides land surveying services throughout the tri-state area, specializing in site surveying, boundary surveys, topographical surveys, and utility surveys. One of the top surveying companies in NJ, we have extensive experience in real estate, infrastructure, utility, transportation and more.
  • MFS provides professional geotechnical engineering services including geotechnical investigation and subsurface exploration, soil engineering services, and permeability testing.
  • Our land development civil engineers help the client to manage the permitting process at all levels. Our site development approach simplifies the numerous moving parts, combining our in-house expertise from start to completion, including conceptual planning, landfill design, & stormwater management.