Industrial & Manufacturing

Kinder Morgan - Brooklyn Terminal

Brooklyn, New York

Project Overview

MFS Consulting Engineers & Surveyor, DPC (MFS) was contracted by MidAtlantic Engineering Partners, P.C. to provide professional geotechnical engineering services for the Kinder Morgan Terminals LLC (Kinder Morgan) Brooklyn Terminal project. The project consisted of conducting soil borings and New York City Department of Building (NYCDOB) TR forms in order to obtain Small Business Services (SBS) permitting and to meet New York City Building Code Requirements (NYCBC).

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Brooklyn, New York

Project Details

Prior to the MFS subsurface investigation, a site walk was conducted to delineate and determine all above and underground utility and service lines, a review of project health and safety requirements, a review of planned excavation locations, and discussion on the anticipated project schedule and other pertinent project information. In addition, the MFS inspector and our subcontracted drill crew completed all training requirements by Kinder Morgan prior to starting the investigation.

MFS coordinated with our trusted subcontracted drilling agency to drill two (2) SPT borings and one (1) groundwater monitoring well at the project site. The two (2) borings were conducted to a depth of 50 feet below grade and the monitoring well was installed to a depth of 15 feet below grade.

The uppermost five (5) feet at each boring location were hand excavated using hand auger equipment. Following hand clearing, SPT samples were taken continuously in the upper 12 feet and at 5-foot intervals thereafter during boring operations.

During the SPT borings, MFS observed the subsurface conditions and generated test boring logs to include soil classifications in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System and the NYCBC, groundwater observations, action of equipment, and other noteworthy observations. The boring logs showed borehole and sample diameters and depths at which drilling, or sampling methods or equipment change. Logs showed total depth of penetration, blow counts, groundwater level, and types of sampling. The drilling equipment make and model, drilling method, date and time drilled, casing, any heaving conditions, loss of circulation, voids, or any other conditions observed during drilling were also be noted on the logs. MFS completed a monitoring well construction log describing the well construction and reported groundwater readings which were obtained within the completed monitoring well using a Solinst water level indicator.


  • Owner:
    Kinder Morgan Terminals, LLC

Services Provided

  • MFS provides professional geotechnical engineering services including geotechnical investigation and subsurface exploration, soil engineering services, and permeability testing.