
NYCDPR Riverside Park Dinosaur Playground Reconstruction

New York, NY

Project Overview

MFS Consulting Engineers & Surveyor, DPC (MFS) provided structural engineering services in support of the Riverside Park Dinosaur Playground Reconstruction project located within Riverside Park in New York, New York. The project consisted of the reconstruction of the dinosaur playground, including the entrance to the playground, and the adjacent terrace and step ramps. New play units were installed and both accesses to the entire playground incorporated ADA upgrades.

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New York, NY

Project Details

MFS developed the analysis and design of the new entrance ramp steps (two sets) and the modification of the playground’s outer and inner circular retaining walls. The outer circular, approximately 6ft tall, retaining wall with stairs surrounding spray area remained with proposed modifications to the parapet and hand railing for current code compliance. The inner circular, approximately 1.5ft tall, retaining wall curb containing the spray area was removed. In addition, MFS provided the structural design of all site structures’ pad and footing designs for playground and park equipment, light pole fixtures, and fences.

MFS performed all necessary structural design calculations and prepared Final Construction Bid Documents to be signed and sealed by a New York Professional Engineer including, construction notes, framing plans, elevations, sections, details, and construction specifications. MFS prepared cost estimates utilizing NYCDPR templates pertaining only to the structural design scope of work.


  • Owner:

Services Provided

  • MFS provides professional structural engineering services, working closely with private and public clients and contractors to engineer cost-efficient and sound structural systems, providing design services, building assessments, and structural inspections.