
NYCEDC - Citywide Ferry Service at Hunter’s Point South Landing

Project Overview

MFS Consulting Engineers & Surveyor, DPC (MFS) was contracted by M.G. McLaren Engineering and Land Surveying, P.C. to provide special inspections for a subsurface investigation in support for the New York City Economic Development Corporation (NYCEDC) – Citywide Ferry Service at Hunter’s Point South Landing Project located on the East River in Long Island City in the borough of Queens, New York.

Project Details

MFS provided special inspection services for three (3) borings conducted waterside in the East River adjacent to the existing Hunter’s Point Ferry Landing. The borings were conducted 10 feet into bedrock to depths of 18, 26, and 46 feet below the mudline. Shelby Tube samples were obtained where soft cohesive soil samples were obtained at the direction of the MFS inspector.

During the borings MFS observed the subsurface conditions and generated test boring logs to include soil classifications in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System and New York City Building Code (NYCBC), action of equipment, and other noteworthy observations. The boring logs showed borehole and sample diameters and depths at which drilling, or sampling methods or equipment change. The logs showed total depth of penetration, blow counts, groundwater level, and types of sampling. The drilling equipment make and model, drilling method, date and time drilled, casing, any heaving conditions, loss of circulation, voids, or any other conditions observed during drilling were also noted on the logs. Classifications and descriptions of the rock core samples obtained, as well as percentage core recovery and Rock Quality Designation (RQD) were also reported on the boring and rock coring logs.

Upon completion of the field subsurface investigation, MFS completed geotechnical laboratory testing and prepared a geotechnical data report. The geotechnical data report provided a summary of the field subsurface investigation and field/laboratory results, recommended soil design parameters, and recommended allowable pile capacities for piles socketed into bedrock to aid in the foundation design of the proposed ferry landing construction.


  • Owner:

Services Provided

  • MFS provides professional geotechnical engineering services including geotechnical investigation and subsurface exploration, soil engineering services, and permeability testing.