Industrial & Manufacturing

Toyota Port of Newark Canopy Structure and Utility Platform

Newark, New Jersey

Project Overview

MFS Consulting Engineers & Surveyor, DPC (MFS) provided professional land surveying services for the new canopy structure and utility platform project located at Port of Newark in the city of Newark, New Jersey. The survey scope was associated with the new electric vehicle charging stations located on the property.

Newark, New Jersey

Project Details

MFS established horizontal control in the field using GNSS RTK observations at two primary control points. Additional control points were set and located through conventional traversing procedures. The horizontal control was tied to the appropriate State Plane Coordinate System NAD83, US Survey Feet.

The vertical datum was tied to NAVD88, either through a level run from known NGS Vertical benchmarks or GNSS RTK observations.

MFS conducted a topographic field survey within the specified project limits to locate above-ground physical features, such as buildings, curbs, sidewalks, fences, and utility poles. Key elements included first floor/garage elevations were determined at doorways, paved surfaces were surveyed at 50’ intervals, with spot elevations obtained to develop one-foot contour intervals, accessible surface utilities, such as manholes, catch basins, and hydrants, were located. Utility mark-outs visible during the survey were also recorded, and vault surveys, measurements in obstructed or filled structures, and clearing of debris were not included.

MFS performed a subsurface utility mark-out within the designated project area to Quality Level B. This involved using advanced locating instruments to detect and follow utility systems. Key procedures and limitations included utility designations were marked on ground surfaces using paint and flags, in accordance with APWA uniform color code guidelines, field sketches were prepared, showing the location and configuration of detected utilities, including size and material where available, SUE services did not guarantee detection of all existing utilities or non-utility structures.


  • Owner:
    Toyota Motor North America

Services Provided

  • MFS provides land surveying services throughout the tri-state area, specializing in site surveying, boundary surveys, topographical surveys, and utility surveys. One of the top surveying companies in NJ, we have extensive experience in real estate, infrastructure, utility, transportation and more.