
DOT Harper Yard Asphalt Plant Pier Rehabilitation

Queens, New York

Project Overview

MFS Consulting Engineers & Surveyor, DPC provided professional geotechnical engineering services in support of the New York City Economic Development Corporation (NYCEDC) DOT Harper Yard Asphalt Plant Pier Rehabilitation project. The project was intended to retrofit the existing pier for marine delivery and transfer, as well as to ensure continuity of safe and efficient operation of the pier as part of an active plant.

Queens, New York

Project Details

MFS prepared a geotechnical subsurface investigation plan to show the entire project site and identify the locations where additional geotechnical data was required to complete the envisioned design. Upon receiving approval of the plan, MFS coordinated with a trusted drilling agency to complete a total of six borings at the project site. Each boring was conducted to depths of 45 to 172 feet below existing site grade.

Prior to mobilization, MFS prepared a plan and notified to the New York City Department of Environmental Protection (NYCDEP) in accordance with New York City Building Code (NYCBC) Section 3304.3.3 and the Rules of New York City Title 15 Chapter 57.

During the test boring operations, MFS observed the subsurface conditions and generated test borings logs to include soil classifications in accordance with the United Soil Classification System (USCS) and New York City Building Code (NYCBC), groundwater observations, action of equipment, and other noteworthy observations. The boring logs showed boreholes and sample diameters and depths at which drilling or sampling methods or equipment changed. Logs showed total depth of penetration, blow counts, groundwater level (if encountered), and types of sampling. The drilling equipment make and model, drilling method, date and time drilled, casing, any heavy conditions, loss of circulation, and voids were also noted on the logs.

Geotechnical laboratory tests were performed to classify soils and obtain geotechnical physical characteristics for soils. The results of the field investigation and laboratory testing program were presented in a written geotechnical data report. In addition, MFS prepared a design soil profile with appropriate design parameters of each soil layer to be utilized in the design of piles and bulkheads. Preliminary pile designs were also provided within the geotechnical data report.

MFS assisted the design team by preparing specifications for the proposed pier pile foundations and also in providing select details for inclusion in the construction documents.


  • Owner:

Services Provided

  • MFS provides professional geotechnical engineering services including geotechnical investigation and subsurface exploration, soil engineering services, and permeability testing.